CNS is key to make you heal!
It’s time to add a NEW APPROACH to retain and regaining your HEALTH.
Specific exercises stimulate your CNS responding in better healing ability and health capacity.
If you want to know more, please contact us or come in and make an appointment.
Fit and Healthy staff have more energy
They are more productive
They will appreciate the concern shown
Our daily or multi-day programs can be tailored to suit your needs.
We have pure, natural food and drinks right on the premises ready to meet your needs.
We can cater morning refreshments and lunchtime meals that fully embrace the healthy eating habits you and your staff need.
You can spend the afternoon with health professionals who will focus on nutrition and proper exercise.
Dr. Matthias Jaepel will show you some “proper” techniques to exercise and use some of the elements of The Yellow Line Training Program he developed. A world-class triathlon winner Dr. Jaepel has a PhD in Sports Science.
Call The Centre today and ask for Debbie Cleveland-Foster to work out a program that meets your needs.